Saturday, May 16, 2015

My quest to whistle REALLY LOUD!!!

When I am at a basketball game, I really envy folks who can whistle really loud. Whistles that dominate the airwaves. Unfort, I'm usually just the guy screamin "YEAH!!!" or just clapping really loud. PATHETIC. Oh, how I wish I can whistle REALLY LOUD!!! 

So, I have scoured YT for videos on how to whistle like you mean it. 

OK, so some tell you to curl your tongue into a"U" (if you were looking from the side of the face) then push the tongue backwards and BLOW:

From Canada (sounds like):

Others tell you to push your tongue forward against your bottom front teeth (inverted "U") put your opposing fingers over your tongue and BLOW:

Then I don't even know what this kid's doin:

Then, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! GOOD LUCK!!! Tell me which of these worked for you! MAKE SOME NOISE!!!